Extra Care Supported Living -
St. Anne's Apartments
St. Anne’s Apartments is an innovative service that opened in 2014 at 3e Lansdowne Road, Hove and more recently a second site in 2017 at 3c Lansdowne Road, Hove .
The idea was created and structured as a service that would put the person in the centre and the supporting structures then built around them. Each individual is carefully assessed and their care and support needs translated into a support package that considers their skills and abilities - and the possibility for personal growth.
The ethos of Extra Care Supported Living is to promote maximum independence and community involvement, challenging people with learning disabilities to develop new skills and confidence.
The building at 3e is comprised of seven flats, five of which are shared and two of which are single occupancy. The flats are modern and spacious and each tenant has highly personalised their living space. The tenants have a very diverse range of needs and the team work with each tenant in a highly personalised way to explore how to achieve positive outcomes, to encourage positive interaction in community activities, and to form and maintain friendships and relationships. The Extra Care element refers to the complexity of the people we support and the higher support packages that traditionally would be arranged for residential care home placements. Extra Care also refers to the flexibility of the service model which allows us to be responsive to increased support and care requirements as people’s needs and wishes change, or as they age.
The building at 3c is comprised of 3 single flats and is the site of a new young person’s transition service. The tenants are taking their first tentative steps towards independence, learning how to plan a menu and shop for ingredients, cook, budget and maintain a tenancy - all with the support of highly committed and creative staff.
Both services are proving to be a great success and many visitors comment about how they enjoy visiting St. Anne’s. There is a great feel to the place and both tenants and staff are happy. Central to the vision for St. Anne’s was for it to be a place that felt relaxed and homely and could provide a sanctuary: a place where each individual is treated with respect and dignity and their personalities may develop in a hopefully positive way, by being surrounded by affirmative influences.
The team at St. Anne’s is now very established and all regularly go the extra mile without thinking anything of it. The service is busy and lively at times and the team are also - importantly - very supportive towards each other.
To get in touch with Extra Care Supported Living - St. Anne's Apartments, please call 0127 3739915 or use the form below: